Thursday, April 16, 2015

The demise of school libraries.

As a mother this topic really hits home for me. With budget cuts getting worse and worse as times goes on i worry about the children of our future not having access to a library at school. Sadly I have encountered many families who have never taken their children to a library because they were afraid their children would be too noisy. That means the only library they have been to is the one at their school and that really is discouraging me me. When we go on vacations or visit someplace new we always go to 2 places, science or kids museum and the library. We love that we can go anywhere in the world and find these important institutions.

Where I live with my family is a more prominent area. I know that for my son's school whenever an important program is in jeopardy due to budget cuts, the PTA will try its hardest to pick up the tab. Unfortunately, not ever school is that lucky. Many schools who face budget cuts are lower income areas who earn monies for housing a certain number of low income or Spanish speaking families. People don't understand the harm they are doing to our future by doing this and taking away our school learning resources!


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