Thursday, April 16, 2015

Libraries as Social Hubs

In this time of economic uncertainty, where can you go for free entertainment? The library has evolved to fill a niche in the current economy where the community comes to partake in media and leisure in an open space without the requirement of purchasing a cup of coffee in order to use the wi-fi. Community programming and events are avenues for people to meet others with similar interests and create a common experience from which to build friendships, contacts, and clubs.

Image taken from :
To this end, some libraries have started carrying board games, providing video games and public video game consoles, and musical instruments. Some libraries have added Makerspaces for the community to learn, experiment, and play with different software, 3-D printers, video creation, podcasts, or simply to play video games. In addition to instruction, the space is commonly available for maker events, video game tournaments, or other social meetings involving creativity and technology.

Image taken from :
Check out the NPR broadcast “At Libraries Across America,It’s Game On,” and the video “A Library Card May Get You More Than You Think” for more information and viewpoints.

"A Library Card May Get You More Than You Think." John Yang, correspondent. NBC Nightly News. NBCUniversal Media. 24 Aug. 2013. NBC Learn. Web. 24 January 2015.

"At Libraries Across America, It's Game On." Weekend Edition Sunday 11 Aug. 2013. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

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