Saturday, February 7, 2015

This blog is very engaging!  You took a popular background and personalized it to highlight the theme of your blog.  The simple figure gives it an image of ease and approachability.  This makes it seem that whatever tools you propose will be easy to use.
The overall layout is pleasing.  Having all of the contributors names along the top is very welcoming. Each student has done a fine job with her introduction.  You are off to a great start!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

April Cunningham

I'm super impressed with this group's blog.  Since I was late joining the party, I don't have much to offer this week.  I'm still getting familiar with the blogger interface and finding out how to add to the sidebar.  If I can figure that out soon, I'll add a link under Interesting Links.

Kate Carpenter

Hi everyone,

I changed the order of the gadgets on the right to spotlight the motto and word cloud, and added a gadget that links to new pages. I also added a page called "About the Project" with a brief description of the blog goal and an image of a book and pictures. Pages are a great way to organize collections of posts on the same subject and can be added to in the future.

Thanks to everyone who has posted before me, the blog looks fantastic and I am so glad to be part of this team.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Maria Gearhart


The Blog looks great. I did change one thing in the Blog Archives. I changed it to show weekly because this is done for a class where we get weekly assignments. I also provided Timna Mizuta the motto for the blog. I did notice that Monica made a wordcloud in Tagul with the words we all choose but, did not see it in the blog. It came out nice Monica.