Thursday, April 16, 2015

Libraries and the Digital Divide

First of all, what is the “Digital Divide”? The Digital Divide is a term for the gap between people who can access online information and those who cannot. Public libraries that offer wi-fi, computers, and classes in how to use digital technology are a factor in closing that gap. Digital technology grows in leaps and bounds and it is difficult for any organization to keep up without a great deal of capital.

Personally I am privileged to be in the information-rich bracket. There are so many things I take for granted with my digital technology. I am taking my library courses online, I access media online, and I am fluent with many different technologies and software sets. Technology that was made available to me in the classroom and through public spaces definitely contributed to my ability to use it today.

Libraries are tirelessly trying to bring as much technology as possible to the communities they serve. Bringing technology to the public also requires training librarians, providing the materials, and space to use the technologies.

Clink on the links for more information on the digital divide and digital education, from “CQ Researcher”.

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