Thursday, April 16, 2015

The DEMISE of school libraries

The Demise of School Libraries
The city of San Diego school libraries are facing cuts with hours, budget, and staff  every day.  Our local neighborhood school library is not even open this school year. The library I do my volunteer work is only open 3 days a week. The demise of our libraries needs to stop for our student’s sake.  Libraries play and important role in our children’s lives. Libraries open a world for children to explore, learn, and be creative  By having a library at our children’s schools it gives them an opportunity to have access to resources. Students need libraries to do their research papers, and to get books to read. Sometimes the school library is the only time a child can get a book. Libraries should take a step back and examine what has been done and what needs to change.
Libraries need to reevaluate what they have to offer and how they can support Common Core and teachers. Through their displays they can set up science, history, counting books, and different levels of reading books. Displays show the children the kinds of books they have to offer and support the teacher’s curriculum. “The librarian’s stance needs to be: “I care about our students and the library services they receive. I believe parents as taxpayers have a right to know and should weigh in on decisions that are being made about the education their kids receive.”  (Modern Language Assoc.)
The school librarians can work with the community getting them involved for support like the PTA and parents.  Volunteers who come to help in the library can talk to other parents about how important the library is and how they are talking about shutting down the library. The word of mouth is a powerful tool. If we do not take action now we will be losing a lot more school libraries and children will lose opportunities to have access to books.
Works Cited
KACHEL, DEBRA E. "Proactive Strategies for Maintaining School Library Programs, Part 1." School Library Monthly 31.2 (2014): 29-31. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.
KACHEL, DEBRA E. "Reactive Strategies for Maintaining School Library Programs, Part 2." School Library Monthly 31.3 (2014): 29-31. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

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