Thursday, April 16, 2015

Libraries as social hubs

   The social aspect of the library is just as important as the technology. In this I mean libraries can be a great place to hang out. Let me repeat that Libraries are a great place to hang out. I know when you think of a library you think quiet, boring, homework, and tons of old books. That just simply isn't true. 

Many libraries now-a-days are rethinking the library due to the digital demand. Before the libraries were stocked with technology, I used to go to the library after school to just hang out. Was it fun? No, but my friends were there and I wanted to socialize. I can not even count how many times we were kicked out. Which shows that there really was a need of social space for people in the library. Not just for kids, but for the community we needed places to just meet and talk to friends that was quiet and serene. Now as a mother I visit the library frequently to socialize. I take my son to the various children's programs offered and we go to have play dates after school. 

So what makes a library a Social hub? Space. You need to provide space for every important aspect of the library. That means books, technology, programs, and socialization. I found this video below to be very interesting. The man in the video (Joshua Prince-Ramus) is an architect and he describes an interesting view on how he designed the Seattle library as a social hub.

The Point is, libraries can be a great space to do other things than read. The Seattle library for instance has a multi-layer design to make each space unique and make it a fun place to meet with friends or have a business meeting. Yet it still has the quiet spaces within to read a book, browse the internet, and do your homework making it a great apace for everyone within the community. 

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