Thursday, April 16, 2015

Libraries in the Digital Age

In the words of Richard Hulser, Chief Librarian at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, “A library is a concept, not a place.” In today’s digital age, a library may consist of physical books, databases stored across the country, books accessed online, and purely digital movies or music. Movies, TV shows, websites, and ezines can all be part of a library’s digital collection. Library cards are now linked to library accounts that provide access to a library’s digital offerings. Some libraries offer patrons who are not interested in physical materials a digital only account.

In the future there may be libraries that only exist online. Patrons sign up for accounts which grant them access to online books, movies, databases, and other media. Once they are signed in the patron would have access to a chat feature where they may ask a librarian for assistance with research or how to navigate and utilize the online offerings. This patron will be able to visit the library from their own home, a coffee shop, or even on their mobile device.

One extreme of this idea is the DPLA or Digital Public Library of America. The idea of the DPLA is to collect all American library collections online in order to increase access to materials for more people (Geuss). There are a lot of barriers in place before this idea can evolve into a real accessible library, including copy-right limitations, appraising content, library interfacing, censorship, and type of content. 

Image taken from

The idea of a unified “internet library” might not be applicable in the here and now, but I agree with Geuss when she says, “…it’s a concept that needs to come to fruition sooner than later.” I believe that libraries are delving ever further into the digital realms and that if not the DPLA, then another system will arise that offers a similar vision.

If you’re interested in learning more about the DPLA, listen to the recording below, the DPLA website, or check out the referenced article.

"Combining The Nation's Digitized Libraries, All In One Place.All Things Considered 19 Aug. 2013. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

Geuss, Megan. "A Digital Public Library Will Increase Access to Books for All People."What Is the Impact of Digitizing Books? Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from "Exercises in Democracy: Building a Digital Public Library." 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

Image taken from :

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