Wednesday, April 15, 2015

           The digital age has affected libraries in different ways but for those who were ready it gave them just the boost they needed to stay ahead of the game and continue to do their intended job of giving communities a place to come together and offering them information in the best way possible. Granted some libraries may be having difficulty changing with the digital age but those who were ready they have been able to give their patrons just what they are looking for which in many cases is access to digital devices and materials. So what exactly does it take to make a library a success in this digital age? At the library I frequent you can walk in and sign up to use one the computers in their computer room, or if you bring your own personal device you can sign up using their free Wi-Fi and then go online to read any e-materials from their online catalog, or if you are a parent your children can play games on the computers that are in the children's area.
           Libraries across the nation are changing and adapting to fit their communities needs and some of the key elements to their success come down to providing materials and equipment that fit with the digital world of the 21st century and appeal to the greatest needs which at this time seems to be e-materials and access to the Internet. (Brindley 9) Renting e-books and materials is one of the most convenient digital enhancements that libraries have implemented watch this video to find out more: E-books. Libraries of the future are being redefined and this library in San Antonio, Texas has completely redefined the idea of library by becoming a completely digital library which means there are no physical books at the library and for those who have no digital equipment there are e-readers which can be checked out and borrowed just like they would a book. 
Here is an interesting video about the functions of libraries in the past and libraries in the future. 


Brindley, D. J. (2009). Challenges for great libraries in the age of the digital native. Information Services & Use, 29(1), 3-12. doi:10.3233/ISU-2009-0594

Haber, S. (2011, March 01). The changing role of libraries in the digital age. Retrieved April 13, 2015, from

Johnson, D. (Director). (2010, March 25). Libraries past - libraries future [Video file]. Retrieved from

Shamlian, J. (Reporter), & Holt, L. (Anchor). (2013, September 14). Check Out the Library of the Future. [Television series episode]. NBC Nightly News. Retrieved from

Tibbles, K. (Reporter), & Seigenthaler, J. (Anchor). (2004, February 19). Online Libraries. [Television series episode]. NBC Nightly News. Retrieved from

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