Thursday, April 16, 2015

Libraries and the Digital Divide

Bill Gates Helps Improves Rural Internet Access

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 Bill Gates Helps Improve Rural Internet Access

Libraries and the Digital Divide
In today’s world we rely on technology as part of our normal day. Studies show that over 60% percent of households in the United States have access to computers and the internet in their homes. It is the other 40% that we need to help give access to. The public depends on our public libraries for these services.  
Children are required to do research from the internet for school projects and parents are doing research for jobs. Some people want to find what resources are available or maybe just checking their e-mails. No matter what the reason, they need access to computers and the internet. With the high rate of unemployment families cannot afford having the internet in their home anymore. It is even harder in rural areas to get access to these services.
Bill Gates Helps Improve Rural Internet Access
Through my research I was able to find an interview with Bill Gates and how his foundation The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been able to provide over 40,000 computers to 10,000 libraries in the United States. Mr. Gates said that “The Internet’s almost like books, where everybody should have a chance.” (Gates) The interview talks about the people who are using the computers and Mr. Gates talking with librarians and what they have noticed since the computers have installed in the libraries. Mr. Gates is happy that the technology is being used and everyone has the opportunity to have access.

Works Cited

Gates, Bill. Bill Gates Helps Improves Rural Internet Access. with Tom Brokaw. NBC Learn Higher ED. 13 May 2003. Web. 16 April 2015. <>.

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