Thursday, March 26, 2015

Libraries & the Digital Divide 

      What is the “Digital Divide” and how does it connect to libraries? These were the thoughts running through my head when I read the title, at first I thought it had to do with libraries and how they used technology but as I read further I found it was a entirely different topic. After researching the topic my understanding is that the “Digital Divide” has been created because there are people on one side who have access to the Internet, computers, or digital devices and then there are people on the other side who have limited to no access to the same things. While reading I found this video and want to include it because this lady Estella Pyfrom a former educator is doing her part to help bridge the "Digital Divide" by travelling the country in her "Brilliant Bus" filled with computers and using it to bring members of the community who have limited or no access to computers and the Internet access to it. 

          The issue of the "Digital Divide" really boils down to one problem which is "ACCESS" and this is where libraries come into play they help by providing library patrons free access to computers which they can use to access the Internet and for those who have limited to no access this is just the help they need. The digital services libraries are providing to patrons on a regular basis range from computer games for preschoolers to online research information for students to access to employment opportunities for adults. (Hunker 1) Although library patrons are grateful for the access a common problem that arises is that the amount of time patrons are allocated to spent on the computer isn't always enough but with limited funding in general there isn't much libraries can do to change it. (Hunker 1) Thankfully through funding from the federal government and donations from private contributors like Bill Gates more and more libraries are able to fill the "Digital Divide"  and use this type of funding to purchase more computers to more provide patrons with access to computers and the Internet.

How Libraries Can Help Bring the "Digital Divide"


ALA Washington Office (Director). (2013, January 25). Libraries, the digital divide and how we can bridge it [Video file]. Retrieved March 23, 2015, from

Brokaw, T. (Reporter). (2003, May 13). Bill Gates Helps Improve Rural Internet Access. [Television series episode]. NBC Nightly News. Retrieved from

Carvin, A. (2007). There Is a Digital Divide. In D. Haugen & S. Musser (Eds.), Opposing Viewpoints. Techology and Society. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from School Library Journal, 2006, March, 52[3], 70-72) Retrieved from

Hunker, P. G. (2000, March 14). Digital Divide. Washington Times [Washington, DC], p. 1. Retrieved from

Sanders, K. (Reporter), & Williams, B. (Anchor). (2013, January 28). Brilliant Bus Erases Digital Divide. [Television series episode]. NBC Nightly News. Retrieved from

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